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Dog Leash Training: Do it in 5 Easy Steps

Once you get a puppy, the time you spend with them will create some of the most cherished memories of your life. Whether you are cuddling your pooch on the sofa, taking strolls through the park with him, or just playing with the ball, both of you will enjoy each other’s company and look forward to it.

You’ll love each other so much that you will eventually want to take him wherever you go – to the local stores, to your hikes, to your friend’s place, and more.

But our pets don’t understand human rules. That makes the outside world a dangerous place for them. They can walk right into the oncoming traffic, terrorize unsuspecting morning joggers, or break things around him. So, a dog leash can be a crucial measure for the safety of your pup and everyone and everything around him.

Once you understand this, it’s time for dog leash training. Thankfully, some of them take to leashes enthusiastically. However, many of them tug on it, bite it, and get tangled in it in their effort to get out.

Here are some tips to train your dog in the ways of the leash:

Step 1: Choose the Right Dog Leashes and Collars

This is the most critical step in dog leash trainingIf your puppy feels uncomfortable in his collar or leash, he will do everything he can to get rid of it. The ideal dog leash and collar combo does not make its presence felt to the puppy all the time. It should be made of high-quality material, should not choke it, and be comfortable around the neck. It should also be equipped with a dog leash holder that doesn’t strain your hands when the dog pulls and lunges, which he definitely will.

Step 2: Introduce it the Right Way

The puppy should take to the leash with a lot of positivity. He should not be surprised by the leash and definitely should not resent this “alien” thing in his otherwise perfect life.

Before you even hook the dog leash and collar onto your pup, introduce him to the duo. Show him his new dog leash and collar, let him sniff his new accessories, and play with them for some time. Once he gets comfortable around their presence, it’s time to put them on.

Step 3: Make Leash Time Happy Time

For the first few days, keep the dog leash training exercise confined to the walls of your home. Let your puppy wear the leash for short periods of time. You can even make him look forward to leash time by coinciding the leash time with treat time or meal time. Every time you put the leash on, the dog will know that it’s a fun time and starts looking forward to it, instead of fighting it.

Step 4: Walk Them Inside The House With the Leash On

The outside world offers a dizzying variety of distractions to your dog – the insects, the birds, the sights, the smells, other dogs, and whatnot. With their short attention spans, it’s challenging to train them at anything outside. So, start the dog leash training back at home in a more distraction-free environment.

Walk your dog from one room to another. Reward them with treats when they stop walking as soon as you do or when they start moving as soon as you do. Each day, make the tasks progressively difficult, so that he knows that you want him to shadow you.

Step 5: Take the Training Outside

Remember, once your pup is outside, he will pull, he will lunge, and he will bark at other animals and humans. Discourage that behavior. When he pulls, you stop. When he barks at others, distract him with a treat. Never lose your grip on the dog leash holder.

The first few days can be frustrating but be patient. You’ll be rewarded with a compliant, well-trained, and fun friend. That is a pleasure.